Free Women’s Health download

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What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced herself she did not. ~ Rupi Kaur

Have you noticed any of these patterns in your own life?

  • Working long hours and struggling to get everything done.

  • Caretaking of children and family with little time left over to rest.

  • Exercising but not feeling or seeing the results we desire.

  • Trying to eat well but still feeling blah.

  • Feeling as though we have less energy left to create our best work and nurture our relationships

You are not alone. Our culture teaches us to keep pushing, pushing, pushing. We over stretch ourselves, our expectations, our bodies and our time.

What if we told you there has been a secret blueprint to feeling great and it’s been available to you for years? The secret isn’t really a secret. It’s been within you all along. Your female biochemistry (specifically your hormonal cycle) is an incredible asset and wealth of information. Think of your cycle as our unique and miraculous female advantage. It’s a game changing tool we can use to empower every aspect of our lives when we leverage it. 

The good news is that with simple lifestyle choices you can tap into this natural power source to bio hack your way into better health and strength, enhance your productivity, master time management and enjoy great success in every area of your life.

Our new Women’s Health NOURISH delivers a plan that shows you how to live, eat, move and work in synchrony with your cyclical nature rather than fighting against it. This knowledge will help unleash your creativity, fire up your energy, strengthen your relationships and be a better caregiver to those you love.

Fill out the form below and receive your FREE Women’s Health download. It’s designed to help you better understand the 4 phases of your cycle (menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, luteal) and bring awareness to lifestyle choices that will balance and regulate the changing hormones in your body each cycle.


 Source: In the Flo by Alisa Vitti